How to Guides
Click to download the product guide that corresponds to your bag or accessory. We offer guides for our most popular products. If you do not see a guide listed for your bag, or have any usage questions, please contact us and we'll see if we can help.
Tail Trunk Instruction & Hints
Universal Fender Bag Instructions
Number Plate Mounting Instructions
Saddlebag Mounting Instructions
Stealth System Instructions *note 3M system is no longer part of the system
Multi-mount Tankbag mounting systems
Soft Hook Extension Instructions
1560 Tankbag Mounting Instructions
10500 Bungee Buddy Mounting Instructions
Converting Chase Harper Helmet Bag to a Tail Trunk
Aeropac Tail Trunk Mounting Instructions
Sissy-Bar Tail Trunk Mounting Instructions
4100 B'Alaska Tail Trunk Mounting Instructions
3850 Dual-Sport Saddlebag Mounting Instructions
2250, 2254, 2258 Frame Bag Mounting Instructions
1602 Manta X2 Mounting Instructions
540 CR2 Tankbag Mounting Instructions